SOS Feeding
All of our Occupational Therapists are skilled in assessing, consultation and the delivery of therapy supports to promote positive mealtime experiences for your child and family. A number of our therapists have also received further training and are certified to deliver the SOS Approach to Feeding.
What is the SOS Approach to Feeding?
- It is a transdisciplinary approach to assessing and treating feeding problems experienced by children and young people.
- This approach recognises that feeding difficulties are influenced by a variety of underlying factors including developmental history, physiological functioning, learning style and environment.
- It is almost always the interaction between a number of these factors influencing a child’s feeding difficulties.
- A child’s sensory processing skills is one factor commonly underlying feeding difficulties. This is why Occupational Therapists play an integral role in the delivery of feeding therapy.
- There are 6 major steps to eating:
- Look
- Interact (indirectly with utensils)
- Smell
- Touch (direct contact with a part of the body)
- Taste
- Chew and Swallow.
- The SOS Approach to Feeding draws on a child’s learning through meaningful play opportunities, by offering a safe environment to explore, learn and build confidence interacting with preferred and non preferred foods.
- The selection of foods for use in SOS therapy sessions is made based on your child’s sensory preferences, with consideration of food groups (starch, protein, fruit/ vegetable) and oral motor skill development.
- Therapy sessions are typically designed in collaboration with other treating professionals and are delivered in a clinic environment on a regular basis.
- With an understanding of the factors influencing feeding and 6 steps to eating, it is recognised that feeding difficulties are not quickly resolved and that the SOS Approach to Feeding takes time and commitment.
How can your Occupational Therapist assist with feeding difficulties?
- Feeding Assessments and tailored intervention based on identified needs
- Delivery of education/ consultation regarding feeding difficulties.
- Provision of strategies to support positive meal times in your family home
- Provision of strategies to support increased variety of foods in your child’s diet
- Refer to and work collaboratively with other suitably qualified Allied Health Professionals
- Deliver the SOS Approach to Feeding